
Uplifting our youth
for a better future

We believe that, to build a better country,
we must unite and support each other.

Mission and Vision Statements


To contribute to technological, social, and human development, seeking to promote and participate in projects that provide support to the community through the deployment of aid programs focused on education, health, culture, art, and sports.


To become a leading organization in matters of Corporate Social Responsibility, seeking to boost employee participation and the impact of our projects through alliances with other organizations and original, creative, and inclusive projects. 


To incentivize community engagement through the implementation of internal programs and in collaboration with various organizations and foundations, striving to better the community.

  • To create environmental and sustainability campaigns

  • To contribute to the development of individual community support through various donation campaigns 

  • To promote cultural growth and participate in seminars, talks, cultural activities, meetings, and congresses that support the integral growth of people

  • To support Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) initiatives to develop high-value projects that have a positive impact on society

  • To participate in addiction prevention programs for children and youth through sports and cultural activities

  • To carry out improvements in parks and religious and recreation centers

Projects prior to 2012

Mexico has always been characterized as a caring, hard-working, and empathetic country. Mexicans have proved it through crises, natural disasters, catastrophes, and more. Let's continue working together, seeking the common good—let's continue to show that we know how to help and that we can prevail together. 

Vívaro Community, for the Mexico of the future. 

Contact us

Av San Jerónimo 210 Poniente, San Jeronimo, 64640 Monterrey, N.L. Piso 4 y 6


Vívaro Comunidad It is a non-profit social work institution that demonstrates Vívaro ’s social responsibility and that includes the Foundation and the Beca Jorge García Abaroa.

The Foundation is focused on supporting educational, health, art, and cultural projects. The Beca Jorge García Abaroa supports children and youth in the state of Nuevo León to continue their studies in upper secondary education.

Vívaro Comunidad,is a institution of Vívaro.Vívaro Comunidad is based in Monterrey, Mexico.

Learn more about Vívaro Comunidad in: https://vivaro.com/Comunidad and find us on social media.


Vívaro Comunidad It is a non-profit social work institution that demonstrates Vívaro ’s social responsibility and that includes the Foundation and the Beca Jorge García Abaroa.

The Foundation is focused on supporting educational, health, art, and cultural projects. The Beca Jorge García Abaroa supports children and youth in the state of Nuevo León to continue their studies in upper secondary education.

Vívaro Comunidad,is a institution of Vívaro.Vívaro Comunidad is based in Monterrey, Mexico.

Learn more about Vívaro Comunidad in: https://vivaro.com/Comunidad and find us on social media.


Vívaro Comunidad It is a non-profit social work institution that demonstrates Vívaro ’s social responsibility and that includes the Foundation and the Beca Jorge García Abaroa.

The Foundation is focused on supporting educational, health, art, and cultural projects. The Beca Jorge García Abaroa supports children and youth in the state of Nuevo León to continue their studies in upper secondary education.

Vívaro Comunidad,is a institution of Vívaro.

Vívaro Comunidad is based in Monterrey, Mexico.

Learn more about Vívaro Comunidad in: https://vivaro.com/Comunidad and find us on social media.